Thank you for buying and reading my newest book So, Why Did You Become a Mason. I would greatly appreciate it if you would take a few minutes and write a review. My preference is that your review reflect why you feel another person would benefit from or enjoy reading the book.
When I received my copy of SO, WHY DID YOU BECOME A MASON I sat down to read a few pages to get an idea of the content. I could not put it down until I had completed reading it. I found it interesting to read the many areas that each man needed to satisfy himself in regard to Masonry. My personal search was yet quite different.
Coming from a large family in rural upstate Pennsylvania I felt the young family members may have some of the same quandaries. I sent them a copy in hopes they will get the satisfaction that I did in reading it!
I really enjoyed the journey that the Brethren you interviewed on their journey into Freemasony. Well written. The pages had to be turned one by one until the final page! Thank you for the time you spent researching and disclosing the paths that these men took which came to fruition as men and Masons. I have purchased additional copies to pass along.
I bought the book and read the entire thing cover to cover in one sitting and look forward to the next installment from brother Martin.
This book will give a person sitting on the fence or a first timer a good understanding of why becoming a mason will fit there life.